Parcore game 2 TEST
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chanaged the map and movment system
Parcore game 3 TEST
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added a menu but it dont work :)
Parcore game 4 TEST
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messed around with the world and the movment system progression(also cut down on file size by geting rid of usless content now is like 110K bytes instead of 400K)
Web Parkore Game
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Parcore game 5 TEST
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Well so basicly i did some .... less than helpfull changes to the lighting
Web Parkore Game #2
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ets see if the lighting works EDIT: Yea no.... its all black ... all so dark
Parcore game 6 TEST
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So pretty much i added a teleport/ kill floor that you reset to and i kinda made the lighting more normalized and started more neat things but there not dune yet
Web Parkore Game #3
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OK so we tried more normalized lighting lets see if the textures will load as well